Monday, February 1, 2010

Mama's Treasures

Oh, the things that mothers keep! Seeing heart-shaped candy advertised for Valentine’s Day recently reminded me of a little candy-studded note among my mommy treasures:
Dear Mom, You are such a (candy=nice girl)! Since you are so nice, you should be on the (web site) for best moms in the world. I’m so thankful that you (love me) bunches. (I will) be always very grateful for you! Congratulations on your (awesome) new book! You are so (EZ 2 love)!!!!!!
Love you), from your #1 Daughter, Inga.
P.S. (Hug me ASAP)

I’m guessing this was a junior high effort, and some day, when I’m gone, she’ll clean out my stuff and snicker that I kept it. No matter who we are, we all can benefit from some encouragement. Even crusty Mark Twain remarked that he could live three weeks on a compliment.

I’ve been working recently on revising retreat presentations on the ministry of encouragement. In doing so, I came across a list of ways youth club leaders can say “very good” to the less-than-perfect efforts of children. We all can learn from these gentle phrases that encourage, not deflate:
“You’re on the right track now.”
“Good for you!”
“Nothing can stop you now!”
“That’s the best ever!”
“Couldn’t have done better myself.”
“Now that’s what I call a fine job!”
“I like that.”
“It’s a pleasure to teach when you work like that.”
“You’ve got your brain in gear today.”

Something else happens when even words of correction show compassion. The acid of discouragement is neutralized. Becoming bearers of hope nurtures hope inside us. The arboretum near the University of Idaho campus in Moscow is dotted by numerous memorial granite benches that are inscribed with the donor’s name and quotations. This one is my favorite: “The fragrance remains in the hand that gave the rose.”

I understand that as one who cares for two dozen rose bushes in our yard. Every summer I cut and gave away a lot of bouquets, often to give someone a boost. Encouragement—be it uplifting words, helpful tasks, or simple presence—leaves on the bearer’s life its own sweet fragrance.

Or, in the case of my “candy” love note, its own sweet taste.

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