Sunday, October 24, 2010

Praying by the Book, Part 5: A-Z praises

Ever thought how you’d like someone to describe you to another person? Think beyond age, height, body build, hair and eye color. If there was a hidden microphone and you were listening in, would you hope to hear positive, kind things said about you?

Imagine that you didn’t have a legal name, but you were called by some sort of attribute. Hopefully it would be positive! One of my dad’s pet names for me in childhood (and I hated it) was “Prune Juice.” I don’t know if that had something to do with a physical issue or a facial expression!

Now think of how you use God’s name when you talk with Him. Are you in a rut on the names you use? Do you ever dwell on Who He really is? His attributes? His great works? His character?
The “A-Z Praises” section of your personal prayer notebook is something you build, name by name, attribute by attribute, as you discover new ways to describe and honor God. Psalm 105:3 says, “Glory in his holy Name.” We do that when we speak back God’s Names to Him in praise and adoration. It also expands our vision of God’s infinite greatness and wisdom.

Designate separate pages for letters of the alphabet, perhaps combining P-Q, V-W-X, and Y-Z. As you become aware of a special name of God, write it down. Include a reference if you wish.

The A-Z Praises section will help you avoid the trap of letting your prayer notebook become a list-reading time. Pondering the meanings and promises of God’s names will help you worship in wonder and love at all God is. An example: “God is LIGHT.” Beside that word in my prayer notebook I have written three verses that I came across in my scripture reading times.
Isaiah 9:6: “On those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”
John 1:3-9: several verses that speak of Jesus as “the Light.”
John 8:12: Jesus’ own statement, “I am the Light of the World.”
Prayer: “Light of the World, I think of the problems, the dark places, that shadow the things I pray about. There is the darkness of bad choices. The darkness of living apart from You. The darkness of losing hope. Thank you, God of Light, that Your light of truth will never go out. I am so grateful that light dispels the darkness. Thank you for the physical light that comes with each sunrise, a promise of your infinite love and care. Thank you for bright hope. I praise you, Light of the World. Amen.”

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, and 30 to 31 days in a typical month. As you build your “names” list, using a different letter per day, your understanding and love of God will grow.
If you need some starters, this website has hundreds of names:
I also commend this list from The Navigators:
One of several books I’ve read and appreciated on this topic:
Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler

Next week’s blog: Prayers from your “Jordan Stones”

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