The cement “aprons” to the driveways of two neighbors had eroded, sending cement debris and rocks onto the street blacktop. When the busy city repair crews finally got to our part of town, they dug out the aprons, lined them with forms, and then poured cement to “season” a few days. It was a long process, but worth it for my neighbors.
As I watched the project take place, I was reminded by a fun story about Ruth Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham. While out on a drive with someone, they came to road construction and the inevitable warning signs. As they got to the end of it and were greeted by the final sign, Ruth smiled and said, “That's what I want for my gravestone.” And that's what she got. Engraved on her burial stone is this: “End of construction, thanks for your patience.”
Couldn't any of us use that for our burial markers? But it took Ruth Graham, a devout but fun-loving spiritual “celebrity,” to think of it and order it to “happen.”
Years ago I wrote a book with the whimsical title, “When I Prayed for Patience, God Let Me Have It!” I had submitted it with a somewhat dull title (“The Power of Patience”). But I thank the joking editor who came up with one that brings a smile—and a curiosity about what's in that book. I recently thought (for maybe two seconds) that 10-word title of my book could be a good inscription for my final resting place. But considering the cost-per-letter, I'll be okay with a name and beginning/ending dates. Of course, it won't be up to me. Besides, that “ending date” (denoting physical death) for a Christian anticipates that new beginning in the presence of the Lord Jesus.
In the meantime, back here on the sunny side of the turf, I go in and out of my cement driveway apron (which didn't need re-poured), seeking to do what takes care of my family and lifts up the Lord. You know, things like going to the grocery store. (And encouraging the checker I know, whose husband has gone through some tough health stuff. Or maybe just being upbeat and offering a kind word or smile to the checker I don't even know at the Dollar Store. Or...or....)
Why bother with everyday stuff? Maybe because I'm aware that I'm still “under construction.” Day by day, as I read scripture and consider God's plan for my remaining earthly life, there need to be attitude changes that bring me closer to the character of my Savior. No doubt there are days when my presumed “halo” gets a little tarnished because I'm grumpy or in a hurry. But at the end of the day, when I think through it, I have agree with Ruth Graham that I'm still “under construction.”
If you're someone who knows me personally...well, thanks for your patience!