Saturday, September 3, 2011

Home-made Hymnal

I was having what might be called an “emotionally-fragile day.” My daughter was somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to her life’s new chapter in China. Oh, I missed her already. I was also troubled by an insensitive E-mail I’d gotten from someone. But life had to go on, which included buying groceries the other side of the river that divides the town where I live.

Mindful that my emotions could make me a distracted driver, I was on high alert for traffic issues. Just before the river bridge, as I looked ahead to a certain crosswalk where people often barge across the street without caution, a tune suddenly flooded my mind. Then came snatches of words, “There is a river that never shall run dry.” God had sent the reminder of a spiritual river that flows from deep within, no matter my outward circumstances.

Back home, I searched the hymnals kept on the piano for this song, but couldn’t find it. Then I remembered another source: my home-made hymnal. Years ago, as my learning curve of hymns and Gospel songs steepened, I had started a simple Bible-size three-ring notebook with the lyrics to my favorites. There, in the “T” section, between “Take Time to Be Holy” and “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus,” was “There is a River.” I sang the lyrics, remembering how they tell the story of the Samaritan woman who met Jesus at the well. And I realized, once again, that God had brought out of a deep pocket of memory something I needed for the moment: a reminder of the vast supply of His water—His comfort, His love.

Do you have favorite hymns? Have you considered gathering them into your “personal hymnal”? It doesn’t need to be fancy. Mine are hand-written or cut out from song sheets and pasted onto a page. But they’re there, accessible on paper, when I can’t always pull them out of my memory.

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