“On no day will its gates ever be shut.”—Revelation 21:25
“Here are the keys,” the contractor tells the television building team on “Extreme Makeover—Home Edition” when the “building” part is done. Now the race against the house-in-a-week clock continues as they move in new furniture, just ahead of the family’s return from a vacation. The show’s climax finally comes. After the family emerges from a stretch limousine, they and onlookers start chanting, “Move that bus!” The television team has parked its huge office-on-wheels to block the view.
The family is excited beyond words, and when the bus roars away, they often collapse and weep in amazement. Their old home may have been moldy, ramshackle, burned down, or blown away. This one surpasses their wildest imagination. It eclipses anything in the neighborhood for beauty, healthiness, and luxury. “Go check out your new house,” the lead builder says, and the family runs to the unlocked front door. Inside, television cameras capture their delight as they enter rooms especially designed for their needs and tastes.
This, I think, is close to what will happen in Heaven. As we stand in astonishment at the celestial sights, God will say, “Check out your new home.” Oh, the amazement and joy when we begin discovering all He has prepared for us!
But back up a moment. At the earthly “reveal,” the home’s doors were equipped with locks for security after all the builders and fans went home. Earthly homes are vulnerable because wicked people may break in, damage, and plunder. Take heart in thinking about your Heavenly home. Before God’s “great reveal,” all that is evil will be removed forever. The absence of evil is emphatic: “Nothing impure will ever enter it, not will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful” (Rev. 21:27). We’ll have no need of locks, security systems or snarling guard dogs. There will be no night (v. 25), so no surprises lurking in the dark. Its gates will never be shut (v. 25), meaning perfect safety, absolute harmony, and free access. It will be busy. “The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it” (v. 26). Tribute and praise will flow through the gates to the King of Kings.
Best of all, “only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life” (v. 27) will enter. The Lamb, of course, is Jesus Christ—“the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). What the Old Testament believers did over and over—kill lambs and other livestock for sacrifices to seek God’s forgiveness—Jesus did away with by dying once for all on the cross. His “book of life” has the names of those who believe in Him. Once in, oh—the glory of it: “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God” (Rev. 21:3).
And while you marvel at God’s open door policy, come back to earth. Remember He won’t lock you out, but you can lock Him out of your heart. Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20).You can shut Him out forever, or welcome Him in. He won’t barge in. He waits for you to respond. Have you welcomed Him in?
Long ago, when pioneers built their log cabins, they hung their wooden doors on hinges of leather. A latch kept the door shut and no one could come in. But they also arranged for a way to open the closed door from the outside. They threaded a deerskin string, tied to the latch, through a hole in the door. A passerby seeing the latchstring dangling knew that meant someone was home and would welcome friendly visitors. That’s where we get our saying, “The latchstring is always out.” If God had a latchstring, He’d leave it dangling outside. He wants us to come and enjoy His home, now our home, too. He wants us to be with Him. “So we will be with the Lord forever,” the Bible says. “Therefore encourage each other with these words” (1 Thess. 4:17, 18).
No book, even this one, can possibly begin to describe Heaven. We know so little now. But even this “little” is big encouragement to help us wait and hope for what’s ahead.
Eternity with God! Finally Home! What can be better?
Prayer: Lord, how can I thank you enough for Your wondrous plan of an eternal Home in Heaven, and bodies that never die. Thank You, thank You! I love You. Amen.
With this post I end the 31-day devotional on Heaven. My hope is that it encouraged you with a glimpse of what's ahead. If you are interested in a spiral-bound copy of the book ($10 to U.S. addresses) please leave me a note in the comments section.
Hi Jeanne,
ReplyDeleteI tried to find an email address but this will do. I was encouraged by your article, "Lifting My Spirit," in the summer quarter package of LIVE and had to write.
You and I shared the pages of Light & Life several times and now LIVE. It was nice to open the take-home paper and see a familiar name. I too live in Washington on the west side of the mountains, and I write nonfiction from life experiences. I post my published articles on my Web site at kathleenkohler.com.
I hope we can meet at a conference sometime. The Lord continue to Bless you and your writing ministry. ~ Kathleen
Loved hearing from you, Kathleen! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and comment. Blessings as you lift up our Savior with the stories He has entrusted to you!